Sunday, March 13, 2011

La Cuisine

Yay!! For those of you who don't know I'm off in 2 weeks to begin a 6-month culinary course with Tante Marie, a small French cooking school in San Francisco. Here's a tid-bit from my application just cuz i thought it summed up how I feel about this experience. Beyond excited!!

"Cooking influences from some of the great California classic chefs like Julia Childs, Alice Water, and my own dear aunts Julie and Jeanne have all shaped my desire to learn to cook in one way or another. Growing up with so much fresh produce in California you can’t help but appreciate the celebration of food. As a young student studying in the French Alps this desire continued to take shape as I fell in love with the perfect displays of the patisseries, the pride of the boulangeries and the strong regional history of French cuisine. Traveling across France and much of Europe became a discovery of stories, architecture and food. The precise combination of flavors and dishes was an art which was given the utmost attention. While living with a French family a few years later in Normandy, I laughed as I asked, “Why do you eat the salad at the end of the meal?” and their response was, “But of course, because it compliments the cheese!” Why hadn’t I thought of that!?

Personally, I’m excited for this course for the mere joy of learning. I have always been interested in food but could only get so far by studying my collected cookbooks and asking questions over the shoulders of others. I am thrilled to get the chance to finally stop and concentrate on this passion in a full time setting with professional guidance."

So, here goes nothing! Wish me luck !! xo

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